Dec 4, 2023

Achieving Product-Market Fit

Building a successful online business as a solo designer requires more than design skills - it takes a strategic approach to tailoring the product to the market.

When your digital products, such as templates, e-books, and other resources, are aligned with the needs and preferences of your target market, you set the stage for sustainable success. Below are strategies tailored for designers who want to sell digital products, mixed with my own experience.

Research and Understand Your Target Market

Identify Your Niche

Focus on a specific niche within the design market. Whether it’s templates for a particular industry or e-books on a specialized design topic, narrowing your focus can help you stand out and attract a dedicated customer base.

I focus on templates for Framer. This is very specific, and I am only targeting this audience on all my channels.

Gather Market Insights

Before you enter the design and development phase, it's important to know your target audience well. Conduct thorough market research to gather data about your potential customers' preferences, behaviors, and problems. Use online surveys, interviews, polls, and analysis of existing products to gain valuable insights. You have to create products that resonate with your audience, if this isn’t the case, your product is useless and won’t sell.

A strategy that helped me also very well is something I mentioned many times on Twitter. I build products for myself which I can sell later. Why? I am my target audience. I’m a designer who makes money online and works for clients sometimes. Most of my products have been created out of my own needs. This can also be a good indicator. But, don’t use this method alone, it’s important that you also analyze your audience and find your target market.

Create High-Quality Content

Showcase Your Expertise

Your digital products should reflect your design expertise and knowledge. Ensure that the content is well-crafted, professionally presented, and provides real value to your customers. If you are a freshly entered Junior Designer, you maybe should start on clients’ projects first to gain this much-needed experience. The better your products are, the more they will be sold.

Offer a Unique Perspective

Bring something new to the table. Whether it’s a unique design style, innovative templates, or insightful content in your e-books, make sure your products stand out. I did this with mainly all my templates. Supply was the first eCommerce template. CourseOS is the first membership template. Both introduced a new section on the Framer marketplace. Dashfolio was the first dashboard-styled personal site template with a bigger sidebar. Many copies followed after it was massively successful.

Create something unique, first of its kind. Something special.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Grow on Social Media

Leverage platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter/X to showcase your products, share content related to your niche, and connect with your target audience. Make use of scheduling tools like Typefully to level up your consistency game.

I run two strategies about what I post:

  • Inspirational content / share my work

  • Educational content like this newsletter

Create a User-Friendly Website

Develop a website that is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Ensure that the purchasing process is straightforward and secure. This is important because you want to make it deadly easy to purchase your products from others.

Implement Effective Pricing Strategies

Understand the pricing landscape of similar products in the market. Ensure that your prices are competitive and provide good value for money.

In my opinion, when I started creating Framer templates, they were all massively underpriced. So I started to launch higher-priced templates. Like $85 (Dashfolio). Later to $99 (Supply). Then on $150 (CourseOS). And finally $249 for Dashfolio+. Why I did do this and how? I analyzed market research on what was there, and most templates were underpriced or just not good enough. Then secondly, I created massive value with my templates. More than others. I started to build systems, not just nice-looking websites. I wanted people to start a real business with my templates. Linx, CourseOS, Supply, and Dashfolio+ are all based on this vision. And I will continue with this approach. The revenue speaks for itself that it works.

Gather Feedback and Iterate

Encourage customers to leave reviews and feedback on your products. This not only provides social proof but also offers insights into potential areas of improvement. Use your customer feedback to make continuous improvements to your products. Stay responsive to market trends and customer needs to ensure ongoing relevance and appeal.

I created a new version of Dashfolio (Dashfolio+) just because of this. I got very valuable feedback and found many places to improve and give even more value. This is why Dashfolio+ exists. It’s not just doing everything better than Dashfolio, it also offers a lot more value like the course membership feature, the feed, or the improved sidebar navigation.

Focus on improving your products to keep your revenue sustainable in the future.


For designers selling digital products online, product market alignment is critical. By understanding your target market, creating high-quality content, building a strong online presence, implementing effective pricing strategies, and soliciting feedback for continuous improvement, you can tailor your digital products to meet the needs of your target audience and drive the success of your solo online business.

Remember, the journey doesn't end with the launch. Stay up to date with your customers' needs and remain flexible to adapt and evolve your products over time.

Monthly Newsletter

Showing you how to build your own online businesses by yourself in my personal newsletter called Creative Prosperity.

Dec 4, 2023

Achieving Product-Market Fit

Building a successful online business as a solo designer requires more than design skills - it takes a strategic approach to tailoring the product to the market.

When your digital products, such as templates, e-books, and other resources, are aligned with the needs and preferences of your target market, you set the stage for sustainable success. Below are strategies tailored for designers who want to sell digital products, mixed with my own experience.

Research and Understand Your Target Market

Identify Your Niche

Focus on a specific niche within the design market. Whether it’s templates for a particular industry or e-books on a specialized design topic, narrowing your focus can help you stand out and attract a dedicated customer base.

I focus on templates for Framer. This is very specific, and I am only targeting this audience on all my channels.

Gather Market Insights

Before you enter the design and development phase, it's important to know your target audience well. Conduct thorough market research to gather data about your potential customers' preferences, behaviors, and problems. Use online surveys, interviews, polls, and analysis of existing products to gain valuable insights. You have to create products that resonate with your audience, if this isn’t the case, your product is useless and won’t sell.

A strategy that helped me also very well is something I mentioned many times on Twitter. I build products for myself which I can sell later. Why? I am my target audience. I’m a designer who makes money online and works for clients sometimes. Most of my products have been created out of my own needs. This can also be a good indicator. But, don’t use this method alone, it’s important that you also analyze your audience and find your target market.

Create High-Quality Content

Showcase Your Expertise

Your digital products should reflect your design expertise and knowledge. Ensure that the content is well-crafted, professionally presented, and provides real value to your customers. If you are a freshly entered Junior Designer, you maybe should start on clients’ projects first to gain this much-needed experience. The better your products are, the more they will be sold.

Offer a Unique Perspective

Bring something new to the table. Whether it’s a unique design style, innovative templates, or insightful content in your e-books, make sure your products stand out. I did this with mainly all my templates. Supply was the first eCommerce template. CourseOS is the first membership template. Both introduced a new section on the Framer marketplace. Dashfolio was the first dashboard-styled personal site template with a bigger sidebar. Many copies followed after it was massively successful.

Create something unique, first of its kind. Something special.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Grow on Social Media

Leverage platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter/X to showcase your products, share content related to your niche, and connect with your target audience. Make use of scheduling tools like Typefully to level up your consistency game.

I run two strategies about what I post:

  • Inspirational content / share my work

  • Educational content like this newsletter

Create a User-Friendly Website

Develop a website that is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Ensure that the purchasing process is straightforward and secure. This is important because you want to make it deadly easy to purchase your products from others.

Implement Effective Pricing Strategies

Understand the pricing landscape of similar products in the market. Ensure that your prices are competitive and provide good value for money.

In my opinion, when I started creating Framer templates, they were all massively underpriced. So I started to launch higher-priced templates. Like $85 (Dashfolio). Later to $99 (Supply). Then on $150 (CourseOS). And finally $249 for Dashfolio+. Why I did do this and how? I analyzed market research on what was there, and most templates were underpriced or just not good enough. Then secondly, I created massive value with my templates. More than others. I started to build systems, not just nice-looking websites. I wanted people to start a real business with my templates. Linx, CourseOS, Supply, and Dashfolio+ are all based on this vision. And I will continue with this approach. The revenue speaks for itself that it works.

Gather Feedback and Iterate

Encourage customers to leave reviews and feedback on your products. This not only provides social proof but also offers insights into potential areas of improvement. Use your customer feedback to make continuous improvements to your products. Stay responsive to market trends and customer needs to ensure ongoing relevance and appeal.

I created a new version of Dashfolio (Dashfolio+) just because of this. I got very valuable feedback and found many places to improve and give even more value. This is why Dashfolio+ exists. It’s not just doing everything better than Dashfolio, it also offers a lot more value like the course membership feature, the feed, or the improved sidebar navigation.

Focus on improving your products to keep your revenue sustainable in the future.


For designers selling digital products online, product market alignment is critical. By understanding your target market, creating high-quality content, building a strong online presence, implementing effective pricing strategies, and soliciting feedback for continuous improvement, you can tailor your digital products to meet the needs of your target audience and drive the success of your solo online business.

Remember, the journey doesn't end with the launch. Stay up to date with your customers' needs and remain flexible to adapt and evolve your products over time.

Monthly Newsletter

Showing you how to build your own online businesses by yourself in my personal newsletter called Creative Prosperity.

Dec 4, 2023

Achieving Product-Market Fit

Building a successful online business as a solo designer requires more than design skills - it takes a strategic approach to tailoring the product to the market.

When your digital products, such as templates, e-books, and other resources, are aligned with the needs and preferences of your target market, you set the stage for sustainable success. Below are strategies tailored for designers who want to sell digital products, mixed with my own experience.

Research and Understand Your Target Market

Identify Your Niche

Focus on a specific niche within the design market. Whether it’s templates for a particular industry or e-books on a specialized design topic, narrowing your focus can help you stand out and attract a dedicated customer base.

I focus on templates for Framer. This is very specific, and I am only targeting this audience on all my channels.

Gather Market Insights

Before you enter the design and development phase, it's important to know your target audience well. Conduct thorough market research to gather data about your potential customers' preferences, behaviors, and problems. Use online surveys, interviews, polls, and analysis of existing products to gain valuable insights. You have to create products that resonate with your audience, if this isn’t the case, your product is useless and won’t sell.

A strategy that helped me also very well is something I mentioned many times on Twitter. I build products for myself which I can sell later. Why? I am my target audience. I’m a designer who makes money online and works for clients sometimes. Most of my products have been created out of my own needs. This can also be a good indicator. But, don’t use this method alone, it’s important that you also analyze your audience and find your target market.

Create High-Quality Content

Showcase Your Expertise

Your digital products should reflect your design expertise and knowledge. Ensure that the content is well-crafted, professionally presented, and provides real value to your customers. If you are a freshly entered Junior Designer, you maybe should start on clients’ projects first to gain this much-needed experience. The better your products are, the more they will be sold.

Offer a Unique Perspective

Bring something new to the table. Whether it’s a unique design style, innovative templates, or insightful content in your e-books, make sure your products stand out. I did this with mainly all my templates. Supply was the first eCommerce template. CourseOS is the first membership template. Both introduced a new section on the Framer marketplace. Dashfolio was the first dashboard-styled personal site template with a bigger sidebar. Many copies followed after it was massively successful.

Create something unique, first of its kind. Something special.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Grow on Social Media

Leverage platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter/X to showcase your products, share content related to your niche, and connect with your target audience. Make use of scheduling tools like Typefully to level up your consistency game.

I run two strategies about what I post:

  • Inspirational content / share my work

  • Educational content like this newsletter

Create a User-Friendly Website

Develop a website that is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Ensure that the purchasing process is straightforward and secure. This is important because you want to make it deadly easy to purchase your products from others.

Implement Effective Pricing Strategies

Understand the pricing landscape of similar products in the market. Ensure that your prices are competitive and provide good value for money.

In my opinion, when I started creating Framer templates, they were all massively underpriced. So I started to launch higher-priced templates. Like $85 (Dashfolio). Later to $99 (Supply). Then on $150 (CourseOS). And finally $249 for Dashfolio+. Why I did do this and how? I analyzed market research on what was there, and most templates were underpriced or just not good enough. Then secondly, I created massive value with my templates. More than others. I started to build systems, not just nice-looking websites. I wanted people to start a real business with my templates. Linx, CourseOS, Supply, and Dashfolio+ are all based on this vision. And I will continue with this approach. The revenue speaks for itself that it works.

Gather Feedback and Iterate

Encourage customers to leave reviews and feedback on your products. This not only provides social proof but also offers insights into potential areas of improvement. Use your customer feedback to make continuous improvements to your products. Stay responsive to market trends and customer needs to ensure ongoing relevance and appeal.

I created a new version of Dashfolio (Dashfolio+) just because of this. I got very valuable feedback and found many places to improve and give even more value. This is why Dashfolio+ exists. It’s not just doing everything better than Dashfolio, it also offers a lot more value like the course membership feature, the feed, or the improved sidebar navigation.

Focus on improving your products to keep your revenue sustainable in the future.


For designers selling digital products online, product market alignment is critical. By understanding your target market, creating high-quality content, building a strong online presence, implementing effective pricing strategies, and soliciting feedback for continuous improvement, you can tailor your digital products to meet the needs of your target audience and drive the success of your solo online business.

Remember, the journey doesn't end with the launch. Stay up to date with your customers' needs and remain flexible to adapt and evolve your products over time.

Monthly Newsletter

Showing you how to build your own online businesses by yourself in my personal newsletter called Creative Prosperity.